Best of Times, Worst of Times
I am studying for my recertification for my EMT (yes one needs to do this every two years) at the public library in downtown San Fran. A wonderful library filled with numerous quiet rooms, internet stations and yes a few books as well. Saturday morning at 10am promptly the library opened and within 2 minutes as the crowd outside funneled in a large and comprehensive fight broke out amongst three youths. These youths not being physically young rather more socially or emotionally began to fight over bumping into each other in the corridor. This argument ended up needing five police officers to finally tackle one of the individuals who was providing a healthy fight, all three ended up being escorted out in handcuffs. Now I ask you, at 10 am on a Saturday morning what could possibly inspire one to begin fighting. I was incredulous as I watch this but the librarian educated me to the fact that they tend to have a number of fights that break out on a daily basis usually over the limited number of internet kiosks freely available for all. A sad sort of affair when people come to blows over an internet station and get led to jail for assault.
Event two happened just this morning as I was walking through security. The TSA agent who was helping people put their belongings in the x-ray machine wished me a safe flight and that Jesus loves me. Now I have some small issue with this very simple phrase. I am sure if you believe in Jesus, he indeed loves you but if you don’t believe in Jesus I find it hard to believe that he feels any emotion toward me, especially if I don’t believe he is feeling anything at the moment. I don’t think I mind a random person saying that to me, but a public official I find that just a bit annoying. I have no problem with celebrating your religion in clothing, jewelry, or music, but when you start imposing it in others, I feel that does cross a line.
On that same flight I was listening to my iPod shuffle a device that measures no more than an inch tall and quarter inch wide. During landing I was asked to shut it off as it can cause interference with the cockpit controls. Now I am sorry, but who are you kidding with that kind of lame excuse. You are telling me that my tiny iPod shuffle is powerful enough to bring down an airbus A320? If it was that easy the amount of security we go through is absolutely pointless, terrorists could simply bring on a couple of iPods in their pocket and crash the plane. Do the airlines or more specifically the government believe people are really that stupid. Almost as good is when they ask that we refrain from using Wi-Fi on the flight at any time as it can also crash the plane. Of course ignore the fact that most airlines are now offering paid Wi-Fi internet access on flights across country, somehow those are safe. So I ask, are we truly that gullible or willing to allow things that we know to be blatantly wrong to pass by us? Apparently we do.
Finally I am now here in
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