Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I have great friends!!

I have said this before but it bears repeating, hell it bears being shouted from all the rooftops between San Jose and San Francisco. My friends Rule! Today I went to my desk like any other day, for today was to be a tough one. Meetings from before the crack of dawn until late in the day. Lots of running around and a good portion of politics as has been creeping into more and more of my events. I turn the corner and stop in my tracks. There waving slightly in my cube from invisible currents and tides of air, was a canopy comprised of crepe paper and balloons covering my entire cube. A memory of a doorway was all that I could see, before some slight cutting allowed myself a small entrance to crawl through. Stickers with witty sayings like Happy Birthday adorned every possible surface from white board to monitor from mouse to keyboard. Party hats rested on awards, monitor, ornamental stuffed animals and walls. Confetti in the shapes of balloons and gifts literally covered every horizontal surface the eye could see while the view of the ceiling and lights was completely obliterated by a new fake ceiling.

It takes me a second in dumbfounded shock because wait a minute; it’s not my birthday yet. But like the past 5 years since I have been in California I have had to travel on my birthday. Well my friends decided not to take any chances and decided to get me early. I then went the entire day with dozens of people whom I know and even more I didn’t know wishing me Happy Birthday. The first few I explained ironically enough its not my birthday yet, but I decided to simply say thank you as the explanations were getting to be tiring. I later found out that it took them over two hours to complete the transformation, just slightly longer than it took me to look under all my chairs and desk for any booby-traps they might have laid in waiting. The stickers I am afraid may never come off which might cause problems on my screen or white board, but every time I looked at them throughout the entire day I could not help with a huge smile. Later tonight I was taken out by the same pair of friends to a dinner including the requisite embarrassing serenade by the waitresses.

I can honestly say I have the best friends a guy can have!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matthew - HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY.. Heard that Christine and Winnie were going to do this!!!! Since you're traveling next week -- we'll have to catch up with lunch or something with the gals to have a Post birthday celebration -- HAVE FUN IN VEGAS OR FLORIDA NEXT WEEK - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MATTHEW - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! whew.. florence

10:04 PM  

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