Friday, September 10, 2004

Grunt, wheeze, success!

As promised, we will use this entry to ponder the conundrum of why do we spend so much time at the gym. Is it part of the American dream of glutton followed by guilt? Or is it because we are all secret masochists who enjoy pain? Or maybe because we really want to look good? Well that last one sounds reasonable until we look deeper, do we want to look good for others or for ourselves, and if for ourselves is it because we have a low self-esteem of ourselves and need to make ourselves feel better?

I am not sure what the answer is. There probably is a mixture of motivation, inertia (I have been doing it for so long I can’t quit now), and trying to make ourselves look better to and for others. Why else would we get up at 5am every bloody morning to go to spinning class, or arobics, or Yoga, or to lift weights. We make some of our closest friends with those we workout with. Maybe due to the pain and suffering we share together, or the sense of accomplishment we share when we succeed in getting up another day to improve our bodies. So maybe that is the reason we go to the gym, the social interaction and feeling of accomplishment both during and after.

There is of course one more option, maybe we are all addicts. Addicted to the adrenalin rush, the endorphin rush, and the thrill in knowing what we have accomplished. Admit it how many times do you have a personal best run, or bench a new record for yourself, or just bicycle your way up an entire mountain and just want to jump up and yell “I RULE!” Tell me that is not addicting. Regardless of what it is, I say way to go to all you crazy people out there that take time to go to the gym!

On a side note I was talking to someone last night of a generation older than mine, and we were discussing an interesting point. What is a blog and why do we do it? Is it the social interaction (my plea to any and all to leave comments), the fact we are all just a little bit voyeuristic, or just because we are such ego-maniacs that we believe our life is so fascinating that everyone wants to read about it. So I don’t want to state my views yet, I would like to open it up to any that read this to comment on….

Why have blogs become a popular phenomenon and what do they accomplish. Why do we do them?

Until later everyone have a GREAT Friday!


Blogger Joe McNamara said...

Blogs give others the impression that my life has some sense of legitimacy. That's my reason.

9:08 AM  
Blogger Nathan Pedretti said...

Blogging is a cathartic release of stress and mess from the day. We look to tell all (for our own release) with the extra added bonus of finding people with similar frustrations and joys. (Did I mention the eternal quest for 15-minutes of fame?)

9:27 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

There is no such thing as pain, only varying degrees of discomfort. The adrenaline rush, endorphins, and sheer triumph of pushing oneself beyond perceived limits completely supersedes any perception of pain.

Addictive, yes. Social, definitely. Athletic pursuits are most enjoyable when shared with those of similar mind and drive to succeed. Even without the high-fives and kudos, there is great satisfaction in redefining one's personal best, and always pushing that envelope just a -little- bit farther.

2:02 PM  

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