Saturday, September 11, 2004

Meaning of life? maybe not, just blogs

So as promised why do we blog, and along with that question is blogging a new concept? If we look at what a blog really is, it is nothing more than telling the world (or anyone with an internet connection) about our life, or whatever we want to talk about. Is that so different that personal web pages for the past decade? Kids, adults, companies would put just about everything on their web sites to tell the world about them and what they stand for. The only addition is blogs are designed to updated daily rather than well whenever we got around to it.

So this goes to a new iteration of the original question, why do we feel the need to air our personal life to the world. To some I have talked to it is partly voyeuristic. We love to look into people’s lives and watch them, just look at the popularity of reality TV shows. Is this so much different? I can’t get on TV, but I can create a blog and let people ‘watch’ me live my life. As Joe mentioned, it gives our lives some legitimacy. How many times do we talk to someone who wonders if they were hit by a bus tomorrow, how would someone remember them? Would anyone remember them? Well this is our way of opening our world to others. Its kind of fun, especially when you get to reflect, but then allow others to comment on your life. Just picture Mystery Science Fiction Theater with three people watching a movie and critiquing it as it goes on. Well now friends and family can critique your life as you write it. Finally lets not forget the final reason, its just plain good clean fun!

So today I went back to the driving range (thank you J), and wow what a surprise I am still as inconsistent as I was when I started to golf (a week ago). Although I think the quote from J was (and yes I am paraphrasing), its amazing how far you can hit it considering how bad your form is. I think that is a compliment. J

Let me take a second and also wish my good buddy Chris a happy birthday. He turned the big 25, which for me was a hell of a mid-life crisis. You can check out his blog at So until tomorrow, have a good night everyone.


Blogger Chris said...

Thanks Matthew. But 25 hopefully isn't my mid-life crisis. Hopefully this is just my quarter-life crisis. For my mid-life crisis, I am planning on buying a new boat, or a sports car. And that certainly isn't happening now.

9:07 PM  
Blogger Joe McNamara said...

Steiner - My favorite part of your golf swing is how you shout expletives before even hitting the ball. It's like you have a premonition that it will suck.

6:05 AM  
Blogger MILF said...

I have to say that as I read these entries (especially Joe's comment on the explatives) I have completely forgotten how much my own life bites right now.
This blog thing is really quite a great idea.
Thanks, Matthew for writing these and Joe for that comment that made me laugh until my stomach cramped.

11:29 PM  

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