Sunday, October 17, 2004

Do I hear ringing? YES, and it is everywhere!!

Another day another opportunity. Who knows what each new sunrise will offer. Besides the psychics who of course can see ahead of time (except for that little thing of bankruptcy), we must make a choice each time we wake up. To be an optimist or a pessimist, to expect a hard gruesome day at the office, or a day filled with weird events that will lead to interesting stories. I prefer to think that tomorrow will be the best day of my life, or a defining moment, because isn’t every moment a defining moment in our life? Is this deep or is this the epitome of lunacy, continually believing in something that rarely comes true? But who knows, each day is another flight, another random meeting, another emergency medical call, or even a wrong number (next time you get a wrong number, try starting a conversation, really is quite interesting).

In other news, in the not so sunny state of CA today (yes like most of the Midwest we here in the great sunshine state got rain); I managed to get the all important haircut (try a new style? Maybe next time), purchased some music from the store (yes kids, that is what we had to do before there was music sharing), and went to work for a little while (it really is like my safety blanket, can’t stay away for too long). I would like to pontificate for a couple of sentences on the good fortune of the Green Bay Packers, go Pack! We didn’t think it could happen, but yes unless my eyes deceive me we have finally won game, so great job men. And speaking of races does anyone feel the presidential race is like one great game? I mean lets face it, we can do virtually nothing to affect the outcome (except vote, so everyone hit the polls! …. Well as long as you vote for my candidate, the rest of you, take a day off on me!), however we are riveted to the outcome like lifelong die hard fans awaiting the final play after a crazy 2 minute rally in the super bowl. Who will it be? The favorite or the long shot? Tune in after the commercial break for all the latest.

Tomorrow I fly out for another riveting trip filled with intrigue and adventure. Alas my flight was canceled, so United decided to rebook me automatically. They of course notified me of my change, by emailing me, paging me AND calling my cell phone all in the span of mere seconds. For a moment I thought the NSA was trying to get a hold of me. So space travelers, stay tuned for the next issue of the Matthew monthly (or daily), and until then, wake up with the hope of a child!


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