Wednesday, December 15, 2004


The New York Times has an article today talking about blogs that are being made into books because of the following they have. One of their prime examples are from the blog from a woman who follows the pseudonym of Bella De Jour ( and it discussing the elaborate life of a woman who is professional successful, happy in life, and well happens to make her living by being a call-girl. TO me this is great, not just a view into a lifestyle that most people are ashamed to admit or not permissible to talk about in mixed company, but also showing the true intelligence of people in all walks of life. First this is a young lady who makes no apologies for her actions or career decisions (was raised in a good household, still close to her parents and even went to college). This just goes to show that everyone has a story to tell. Be it for voyeuristic or just plain curiosity we love reading them.

So back to a more fun subject…me. :-) So it has now spread like wildfire around the office (probably only partially assisted by yesterday’s entry) that I am leaving the group. I am being treated with a whole range of emotions ranging from a man going to war never to be seen again, to a Judas never to be trusted or welcomed on our doorstep. It does kinda hurt. Although I know that this should be a great move for me, it is with a certain amount of trepidation that I walk out the door. Will I be able to walk out and never look back? Don’t think so, but I will give it my darndest.

So the craziest thing happened to me last night. (calm down all you sex encouraging friends, it had almost nothing to do with sex). I had met a very cool girl on-line a couple of months ago (don’t worry I will go into this whole on-line dating thing at a different time). We had gone out a couple of times and things seemed to pretty cool. No massive bonfire being lit in either of us, but maybe a little kindling? Well she had finals and some other exams and so for the past number of weeks our encounters and emails dwindled to none. Randomly I receive an email back from her a couple of days back informing me of the excitement of passing her exams and starting to come back into life. Oh yeah and now she has a boy friend. Ok no jealousy (I am not that crazy ax-murdering stalker, I am missing the ax), but maybe a little hurt, I think it might have been fun to date. Well we were talking on IM last night and she says that she wanted to tell me about the bf because I know him. Hmmm, who from work is doing on-line dating. This might be fun. It turns out she is now seeing my downstairs neighbor, the dude that lives below my living room? She wanted me to know in case I saw her leaving in the morning. Shock, shocked I say! It might be slightly awkward if we run into each other. But the stereotypical new Yorker in the office tells me this is a great thing. Time to brush her off and say in a loud booming voice, “NEXT”. This would work much better if not in a cavernous room that is empty save the dust and the occasional spider. But still I yell it, NEXT!


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