Thursday, August 04, 2005

Honeymooners beware

So I went to the gym for the first time in over a month (a whole different story for later) and chatted with the desk assistance who has been an acquaintance for quite some time now. Actually one of the ways we got to talking originally was because she had asked for advice on what to do in Hawaii when she went there with her boyfriend. While I was giving recommendations on fun activities and dance clubs I also cautioned that separate time is also hugely important especially for a relatively new relationship (under a year) otherwise you run the risk of pushing things too quickly and losing the relationship (familiarity breeds contempt?). Although I bear absolutely no ill will to my ex, this is partly what ended our relationship bringing things to light and ending things a mere two weeks later.

Well not having seen her since her return I asked her how the trip went, and she raved and raved about the surfing, the beaches, the food and the dancing. When asked about the travel companion, it was mentioned that a week upon returning that relationship ended. A relationship of several months that was going quite well she adds. So I am convinced that Hawaii is bewitched or jinxed to all new and recent relationships. Surely two counts as a trend or a scientific study? If not, still be aware, traveling can be risky.

So yes I finally went back to the gym after a month of traveling, working 7 days a week, and eating horrible fast food. Maybe it was the new back pain or maybe just the pants that were getting a little (or a lot) tight around the waist. Either way it was a wake-up call to get back, but boy did I pay the price this morning! But it felt good to get back into the swing of things, I just have a long ways to go.

I am back from my 19 hour trip to Virginia and what a thrill it was (ok only slightly sarcastic). One highlight was flying out of Dulles airport with thousands and thousands of boy scouts leaving the annual Jamporee in full uniform, flags and colors flying high. I look at them and remember that whole awkward pre-pubescent stage (as much as I try to forget it). These kids doubled over with backpacks weighing more than them, with socks rolled up to their knees and the most awful glasses that a parent could find (but makes them look so cute). How do any of us survive that stage? I guess what does not kill us makes us stronger.

One last thing, I flew out of San Fran on Tuesday afternoon after being at work since 6am. Arrived into DC at 9pm, in hotel by 10. At the office in DC by 8am, on a plane back to San Fran at 4:30, San Fran by 8pm. At Chipotle to get some dinner so I can go home and pass out. Well I did a rolling stop out of Chipotle, and sure enough a Sunneyvale police officer pulls up next to me at a stop light. He asks me if I am in a rush and I simply reply, not anymore. He just lets me know to watch out and lets me go. I don’t know if it was my medic sticker in the back or just having a good day and deciding there are worst offenses out there, but 3 minutes later I am home. Officer, I owe you one, thanks, it would have been the last thing I needed after the past 48 hours, and I promise to watch that stop sign in the future. Sometimes good things happen.


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