You are focused on a business setting where decorum and professionalism rules your actions and words.
You spend the entire day conducting yourself in a manner you believe will be appropriate for your company as well as make yourself look good in a professional light. Then when you least expect it someone catches your attention, their demeanor and smile rivet your attention.
There is no looking away even at the risk of staring.
What was once a witty and eloquent tongue becomes cumbersome and idiotic.
Words dribble out of your mouth the way mud comes out of a faucet, neither pretty nor steady, but rather in ugly bursts.
Yet that smile stays in place, the eyes locked in daring you to break eye contact.
The entire room and all its occupants have faded away into a blurred distance.
It takes a few minutes before my mind unclouded itself and I could begin to think straight again at the matters at hand.
I doubt I will ever see this individual again for this was truly two spirits passing in the great walk of life, yet wow.
Every hair stood on end and every nerve was on fire for about 20 minutes.
I wonder if this is how people describe narcotic drugs that make you hyperaware of your surroundings, for that is exactly how this felt.
I am still buzzing from the experience.
Now that I have bored you to a stupor of this tiny experience that has created an unbelievable mark in my mind, I will talk of other more interesting matters. I have flown home from NY in time for a major company meeting all day today where my attendance was mandated to actually foster and lead the meeting. Directly at 5pm I flew out of the office to the airport where I had precious minutes to go through the whole airport thing to get a plane to my next destination, Florida. Yes I am flying all the way back to the east coast on a red-eye special in order to present for another four hours, sometimes I think this job will take an ultimate toll on my body. Still buzzing from the fore mentioned experience I was at a loss when I was stuck in not one but two accidents which happened just minutes in front of me. Finally arriving at the airport perspiring with adrenalin I sprint to the ticket counter. Alas United has cut back on their red eye flights to the point that there was no way to make it to Florida on my favorite airline I had to resort to American where I have no status. Check in went amazingly smooth until I could not retract the handle for my suitcase. The next ten minutes was spent trying to retract the handle on this very expensive and still fairly new piece of luggage. Finally giving up sprint to the security line where Southwest vacation travelers are struggling to understand the basic directions from TSA officials (please just take the laptop out of the bag, its not worth it). Finally onto the flight to LA, and next will be a non-stop LOOOOONNNGG flight to Fort Lauderdale in couch, in a middle seat, in the second to last row of the plane. SWEET! I guess I take the good and the bad of my job.
Onto another matter that I have spoken of before. Applications to business school have yielded less than stupendous results. With most of the replies received I have yet to receive the thick envelope that I so wanted and toiled for. Alas maybe this is not the right time for that step. For now I take this a day at a time, taking the good with the bad. I am going to continue to try and keep my chin up with all the wonderful happenings of last week and this while relishing in the wonderful moments between. New York was one of my best trips in recent days with some of the best company I have had to take me around the city. I am truly privileged to have made such a good friend as the one I did in NY and look forward to a long friendship moving forward (never a bad thing to have a free tour guide in NY who is also fun to boot).
My flight is leaving soon, I leave you with one last thought. None of us know where this year is going to take us, what new friendships or even dare I say it relationships are going to come forth. We do not know what hardships await us or what unbelievable good tidings and times we will experience, but I plan on running towards each one at full speed knowing that is exactly what life is all about!
"coach" is not that bad and now you know how the rest of us "folk" fly every day and aren't as "lucky" to travel first or business. Don't be so snobbish matthew!!!!!! We all put our pants on one leg at a time..... so we are ALL EQUAL but just may not as lucky to fly "FIRST" OR "BUSINESS" like you do on a regular basis. Come back to earth like the rest of the world!!
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