Thursday, April 28, 2005

Gentle rain,

There is nothing more relaxing or soothing than waking up to the gentle sounds of rain. The sounds of water flowing as the rain drops hit the puddles. It is a great way to wake up with your eyes still closed and you just have to smile, because it is just so relaxing. But wait a second, I am not camping and I am not in a tent, I shouldn’t be hearing rain in my house. This is when that wonderful relaxation and calm evaporates like a bit of smoke on a blustery day. Adrenalin surges through the veins as I jump out of bed looking for why I am hearing rain at (it turns out) 3am. Well fear not my roof has not blown away, my window was simply left open to let a bit of cool night air in. Ok now I need to somehow get back to sleep, with all this left over adrenalin still just hanging around waiting for some excuse to be of use. No problem, sleep eventually comes.

But then the alarm comes, way too early. I drag myself out of bed, stumble to the bathroom to do my usual bathroom stuff, and then back to the bedroom to get dressed. It is at about this point when I realize I am not really doing any of this, I am dreaming of doing this morning routine. The only thing worse than having to drag yourself out of bed, is having to do it twice the same morning. I need to start having more interesting dreams (which is ironic since I ended up having a great dream about being at a nuclear sub base for college kids, something from X-men meets Hunt for Red October).

Finally I would like to clarify something from my last blog entry since I have gotten a couple of comments about it. This was concerning the person who unknowingly said some things that hurt. So these are not person things, rather a whole different scenario. Picture this, you have a great dog growing up. I mean you and this dog were the best of friends, you did everything together. Got him as a puppy when you were just a bit of a cub yourself and grew up together. At some point the dog dies, now of course thinking about him might make you somewhat sad. So now fast forward a few years and someone is talking about this great new dog they got, which of course inspires memories of your childhood friend. There is nothing to do about it, but this is the type of scenario where someone is telling you about their life, which reminds you of something in yours that brings about feelings that you would rather keep hidden. Just wanted to clarify.


Blogger Chris said...

Matthew, correct me if I am wrong, but you never had a dog as a boy. And you don't have a dog now. Maybe you should get a dog and then you could start making new memories of your own with "Fido."

1:53 PM  

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