Life update?
This past weekend was the start of Passover, a celebration of when the Jews left
I have learned one small lesson on Friday night.
But no matter as we did not fly down there for the weather, instead it was to spend time with family. My grandmother, although a little older these days (aren’t we all) can still pull out early memories of raising my father and his sister like they were yesterday. Now although I will not repeat most of the stories, there is just one that I love and have to share. My grandmother thought it would be wonderful for my father to be a dentist, not a doctor. Yes very unusual for a Jewish mother to not want her son to be a doctor, but she was worried he would have to make house calls in the middle of the night, a reasonable concern. So for his eight birthday she gave to him a skull with a do it yourself dentist kit allowing him to practice his oral surgery right from the comfort of his room. Mothers out there, this is NOT what we want at age eight. For that I excuse my father for so many of the things he did to my sister and I.
But overall a good weekend, always fun to catch up with family. It is tough when you only get to see them every six months or so, you try to pack everything in to just a couple of short days. The best is when they ask what is new, and you struggle, not for lack of things to say but there is so much, where do you start? But somehow we unloaded everything and I think we are caught up for the next six months. More updates as the week progresses.
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