Friday, March 25, 2005

Vacation, yes I am allowed to take those

This blog will probably a bit barren for the next two weeks because tomorrow marks the beginning of my vacation. Yes boys and girls it is time again for me to embark on a trip of wonder, amazement, and patience traveling thousands of miles with my parents and sister. To say we have never had a boring family vacation in 20 some years is an understatement, but yet it is eagerly anticipated by all attending. As written in earlier entries after much discussion it has been decided that we will be going to Sicily (the island at the boot of Italy including such famous cities as Pompeii). Since we will be traveling to the holy country, wanted to take a second and of course put our best wishes to the Pope who is of course in much failing health this Easter weekend.

Last night I went to an orientation meeting for the Red Cross Fast team. The group of 8 or 10 Red Cross volunteer leaders make an interesting group. Imagine a number of older individuals who have been doing this for decades, not necessary the coolest of individuals but a bit more the engineering type. They spent maybe 20% of the time talking to us, and the rest of the time actually swapping stories with each other or asking each other about some training or other since many have not seen each other for many months. 2 hours later after a 3 person interview I think they might accept me as a volunteer, phew I was worried there. Just another opportunity for us to serve our community.

Work has been absolutely insane, with this vacation looming like a thunder cloud over a picnic. Trying to get everything accomplished prior to my departure without dropping any of the multiple balls that are being juggled in the air by sheer act of lunacy. There was a time I was debating bringing my computer both as a movie platform (hey a man has got to have priorities) and to be able to check a couple of tasks if necessary. I have since decided that both I am not that important and have been able to get the right people talking to each other so I am no longer a middle man, now the real question, did I just work myself out of a job? I will attempt to write entries from internet cafes if possible to give updates, so check back occasionally.


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