Summer is here...well soon
When you wake up and every muscle you have is screaming after the workout the day before. When the stumble through the apartment putting on gym clothes, packing your work clothes and tripping down the stairs at the still dark hour of 5:15am. You drive to the gym, not remembering the roads you drove or the speed for that matter and before you know it you look around and you are sitting in a parking space at the gym. Another successful drive without knowing it. You gather all your belongings and join the line of zombies who are waiting in the same agony to get in and torture their bodies for the glimpse hope of bettering themselves or maybe just waking up. You turn on the tunes in your ear without ever hearing them. You step onto the elliptical or treadmill and begin movement. Slowly at first, trying desperately to stretch the muscles and ignore the messages your brain is receiving as it wakes up saying, ‘what the hell are you doing body, go back to bed!’ You continue through the workout, waking up slowly but surely, stretching the muscles and then tearing the very fibers as we endeavor to make the bigger and stronger. Each repetition pulling the fibers further and further, tearing them from one another until you can barely lift your hands over your head to wash your hair. You smile to yourself in the shower, now that was a good workout. Welcome to the really weird mind set of morning gym-aholics.
On a completely different note, but still referring to pain, have you ever had someone say something to you that really hurt you but completely unintentionally? Someone you care about and who just doesn’t realize that something they said really hurt. You don’t want to say anything to them, but yet you sit there with this pain deep in your stomach, as it twists into knots. You struggle to get up and walk to clear it out, but you are frozen into that position repeating it over and over in your mind. You try to blow it off, but at 3am it wakes you up and you think about it. Sometimes I think our minds are too aware for our own good.
Dude. If you're getting to the gym BEFORE THEY OPEN and having to wait, maybe you can take that extra 10 minutes to sleep. You don't have to be the first one in the door ya know. :)
As for the person who unintentionally hurt you, well, perhaps they don't know that they did. They won't know until you tell them. I'm sorry that happened to you. :( Perhaps that person will benefit from you gently telling them that what they said hurt. At least it will give them a chance to apologize.
Dude - I think I've seen you at the gym. You are a little pudgy these days.
Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else...
Re: someone hurting your feelings without you knowing it - thought for the day: "The map is not the territory" - their rules aren't your rules and they won't know that unless you tell them. You've probably done the same thing to others countless times without even knowing it. In fact, I know you have.
It is so funny the way you write. Your blog is all about you go to the gym, you work this muscle and that muscle. Maybe your blog should read "I go to the gym, I pull this muscle or that muscle." Because I can tell you that I am not at the gym at 5:15 AM. I am still sleeping like a sane person. Come to think of it I am never at the gym, but that really isn't the point.
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