Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I love this city. Coming back to Chicago in the summer, in a very pleasant summer to be specific is simply fun. I am here in this trip for work of course, but spend a bit of time out on the town last night with co-workers and customers. I am here with a number of New Yorkers who of course are an interesting group just in general. But here we are at the top of the John Hancock building having a drink overlooking the entire city, and they are just loving aspects of it, while mercilessly ridiculing the softness (not their exact wording) of the residents. They were flabbergasted and in some cases horrified that people actually sat on the beach and even swam in Lake Michigan. To go into the Hudson is to take your life in your hands. They were tickled by the fact that there is no trash in the streets, we use alleys to hide our garbage, and that even the homeless are fairly well dressed and carry a Starbucks card. Yes this really is a great town.

To link back to something I was talking about yesterday concerning our freedom, we had a good discussion over this over lunch and dinner. Like I said many of these customers are from NY and they are equally if not more upset with the freedoms we have had to give up. Someone commented on my blog to just take off your shoes and deal with it, its not difficult. But this is the whole point, it is not about what is easy it is about the underlying issue of giving up basic freedoms. If we accept shoes, maybe we will accept pants next. Do you think this is a stretch? Well there is a theory that you can put primer cord in your pants unnoticed and you can use it to blow out a window. Security already has separate screened in areas for men and women, and you already have your pockets empty and your shoes off. How about we just take off our pants? Its not hard, should we accept that? The purpose behind my entry is to raise awareness, to quote a poem which I believe is quite fitting in this scenarion.

“Rage Rage against the dying of the light, do not go gently in that good night!!”


Blogger Andrea said...

Direct your rage against the dying light to politicians and management. Not to the overworked, underpaid screeners who can't do anything about the policy, and who just want to make a living and feed their families. You'll get a lot farther that way !!!

Show respect where it is due, and speak your mind where it can be heard and acted upon. That is all.


2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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YEP, that’s right, there’s this little known website which shows you how to get to the top 10 of Google and other search engines guaranteed.

I used it and in just 7 days… got floods of traffic to my site...

…Well check out the incredible results for yourself -

I’m not trying to be rude here, but I believe when you find something that finally works you should share it…

…so that’s what I’m doing today, sharing it with you:


Take care - your friend George

11:17 AM  

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