Friday, June 03, 2005

Does the pit in your stomach go away? Writing is supposed to make you feel better, but just the opposite I find it leads to restless nights and no desire to eat. How can one make so much more of an impact than hundreds? We read about hundreds dying in some far off land, and we turn the page of the newspaper for the next article, careful to not let the ink rub off on our clean pants. Yet we get a trickle of information about just one, and it can dramatically change everything. Everything rushes back like a flood overwhelming this poor rock in the middle of a river. Every pent up hidden fear, is brought to bear. And so we do the only thing we can do, continue through the day, answering phone calls responding to emails and praying that no one asks. We have to stay strong for others so hold it in.

But God make this all go away for him, please!


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