Thursday, January 20, 2005

Learning to Drive

Before I begin I would like to make a blanket apology to every parent who has ever had to teach their son, daughter, or family friend how to drive. It extends further if that lesson includes a manual car otherwise known as a ‘stick’. I had the pleasure of teaching a friend of mine how to drive a manual car.

Lets set the stage, I had a long, frustrating and at times aggravating day at work, however fear not it was the perfect day for I had yoga which never fails to put me in a zen like happy state. Not that I expected that happy state to extend too far into the driving lesson. I pick up S and we drive to my work’s parking lot. We start with the basic fundamentals, for lets face it, with a masters in mechanical engineering, this should be kids play to understand. Ok now lets ease it into first gear. STALL. No worries just a little more gas, no problem. Now lets ease it into first gear. LURCH LURCH LURCH. No problem you need to give it more gas. Now lets ease it into first gear. (engine) RACE RACE. Well you need to release the clutch while doing the gas. STALL. Mom, dad, I have so much respect for you!!

Truth be told after a couple of hours and a bit of a sore neck she started to get it. Like the rest of the world 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gear are a dream. FYI, getting into 4th gear in a small parking lot is not the ideal thing to do and not recommended, oops. So we decided to face the fear of public streets. The amount of fear I felt as a child learning to drive, 100 times worth as the passenger. Holding on to the oh-shit bar and trying to talk in a calm and reassuring voice. Slow down, SLOW DOWN, SLLLOOOWWW DOWWWNN!! (soothing) good. Now what did we learn from that? Well we made it home in one piece with one thing we need to learn, reverse. What was it my mom said “reverse is your friend, love it!”. Oh and the other thing we learned, S. isn’t planning on driving in SF anytime soon :-).

As for me, my nerves are doing ok, having survived with all pieces and parts of my body intact. Phew, lets just wait until I have kids to teach this skill again. At least then I can make them do the dishes at the end of the lesson.


Blogger Andrea said...

A friend of mine taught me to drive stick recently, and he gave me the golden piece of advice: Slowly lift the clutch until you feel the engine 'grab'. Then push the gas.

After he told me that, it was a piece of cake. I only stalled it a few times in the next hour driving around the block. Oh, and it was a Honda S2000. Zero bottom-end torque and a clutch distance of about three feet. Not exactly the friendliest car to learn to drive standard on. :)

Remember the engine grab (no, not the butt grab you pervert !), and it will be like a walk in the park !

8:02 PM  

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