Sunday, March 05, 2006


Do you believe in Karma? Do you believe that at the end of our life the sum total of our good deeds weigh against the sum total of our well not so nice ones? Or even if we extend that question a little further, is it a running total that is constantly evening itself out at eat step in our life? I would like to believe in it, when life is going so well there must be a fall that is in our path for no comfortable road can last forever. Isn’t that after all why we sometimes feel compelled to do good things for others for we might need it ourselves some day? I don’t know if I believe in Karma, but I will say this, like a child I hope. I hope there is such a thing as karma that bad people get what they deserve, but more importantly good people will get theirs in the end.

Moving on to this nice cold and rainy weekend, I have successfully squandered another day doing work and finishing my taxes (yes Uncle Sam you will be receiving a sizeable check from me, are you happy?). Yesterday I had the pleasure of working the Orchard Supply festival where we treated a whopping total of 2 patients in 9 hours and both were needing no more than a simple band-aid for paper cuts. Thus there was quite a bit of time to wander the booths and enjoy watching people go crazy for free samples. The caulking booth was particularly popular with free 1/8 size tubes of caulking, but wait it gets better. The paper towel section was giving free samples of paper towels, now before you get excited these were not individually packed samples, they literally had a toll and handed out a single sheet to each person. This would be compared to handing out samples of printer paper by buying a ream of paper and handing out a single sheet per customer. The crazy thing, they had a line of no less than 40 people at their booth at all times. Was this paper dipped in gold, was I missing something? It is amazing what some people will do to get free stuff, remarkably it is the people with the most money at times that are the cheapest and the most vicious about getting their free samples.

The remainder of last week went by in a flash. A tv interview, a recording of my own podcast and a couple interesting fate experiences. I frequent the gym at 5:30am everyday I am in town. This is less about looking good and more about trying to wake up and start the day on a fun activity. Anyway there are very few crazy, rephrase dedicated individuals at that time of morning, and frankly we are all regulars that know each other. But Thursday was different, there was a young lady in there none of us had seen. She was friendly (which frankly at 6am is a rare trait in anyone) and pretty (again even more rare after an hour on cardio) and at a tech company (ok all engineers, most rare of all). I like my privacy and solitude during my gym time, so although I appreciated I enjoyed my time and went about my day. Remarkably enough the same day as I am about to record my podcast and am checking in with the admin for the recording studio, who ends up being the admin? You guessed it. Pictures of her boyfriend adorn her cube, but I kind of just enjoyed the randomness and irony of life. Of all days to see someone in the gym, and then of course of all days to be in a different building who just happens to be someone else’s home, go figure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you'd be amazed at what people do for free stuff - they don't care what it is. I'm sure you see folks in line at Costco for those "free" samples -- doesn't matter -- That's what makes life so interesting - Such diversity in this world we live in... florence

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep...Flo is right about the free samples at Costco. Though they dont just take one and move along,,,they stand right in front of the food samples and feed their entire families with them!

10:14 AM  

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