For those of you not of the Jewish religion you may not be aware that last night marked the beginning of the Jewish High Holiday Rosh Hashanah. This is a time of reflection, retribution and hope.
Reflection in terms of looking back over the past year at where you have been, what you have done and where is it taking you. It is a great opportunity to center yourself and see if you really are heading in a direction you want to go in. Without outside distractions but left to your thoughts at a place of prayer, one can search the deepest recess of ones mind and past thoughts. So am I on track, well I have another day in temple to contemplate, it is a large task, so will need that extra time.
Retribution, is used not in a punitive sense, but as part of reflection if you feel you have wronged someone or hurt someone, even unintentionally, now is the time to try to apologize. This is usually one of the hardest parts of this time of year. How does one go to former relationships that might have ended badly, or a close friend that is no longer due to a fight, and mend those fences? But, when you do, it does bring closure and makes you feel just a little better.
And finally hope. Hope in the literal sense of the holiday because during this time it is said that it is written who will live, who will die, who will be rich and who poor, etc. etc. But I like to look at this a little less literally and look at this as a time when based again on that reflection you can re-center yourself on that road of life or maybe move in an altogether different direction.
So I only bring this up because some friends of mine wondered what made this holiday so special and why some of us are so serious about not doing work or going to classes. The reason is to really reflect on an entire year you can not be distracted with current events in your life or those of work. To all those who understand, L’Shana Tova.
On a more lighthearted side, my folks and grandmother are in town, and to say this is a hoot is an understatement. My family has a way of making you laugh when you least expect it. We are in the car and for whatever reason discussing the etymology of phrases and words (yeah you can we are a barrel of monkeys on long plane trips). So my grandmother brings up the origins of the word POSH, her explanation is Port Out, Starboard Home. Now I will have to admit, my parents and I were not buying this at all. I mean we have heard some whoppers in our day, but this one sounds like it is just out of there. Well 5 hours later, good ol’ internet, sure as shit, she is dead on;
“The story goes that the more well-to-do passengers travelling to and from India used to have POSH written against their bookings, standing for 'Port Out, Starboard Home' (indicating the more desirable cabins, on the shady side of the ship).”
So grandma, in front of the whole world (or who ever reads this) you have our apologies, you are right. More family stories to follow!